Selasa, 21 Februari 2017

Top tips for taking better smartphone photos. 2017

Top tips for taking better smartphone photos. USA 2017 

The best camera, as they say, is the one you have with you.
And if that happens to be your smartphone, and chances are it is, at least these pocket-sized devices are getting better at photography all the time.
Not only has the quality of the photos (and videos) improved over the years, smartphones are also ideal for editing your work, adding fun filters, and wirelessly sharing those memories on the spot.
To help you get the most out of your summer “phoneography, ” Surf Report caught up with Jefferson Graham, USA TODAY technology columnist, Talking Tech podcast host, and Manhattan Beach-based portrait photographer.
Shoot sideways

“While it may be more comfortable to hold the phone vertically, hold it horizontally, as photos will look better when on a computer or television screen, ” says Graham. “You probably don’t want those black bars on each side of the photo, plus you’ll lose about 40 percent of the image. ”
Horizontal (“landscape”) orientation is better for group photos and nature shots, too, to get more in. Speaking of scenery, also play around with the phone’s panoramic mode for ultra-wide photos, if this feature is offered.
Graham says there are exceptions: “Unless you’re taking a picture of the Empire State Building, or the odd portrait of someone, hold the phone sideways. ”
Get up close and personal
A good rule of smartphone photography? Don’t be shy.
“Get in people’s faces. The only way to get up close and personal is to get up close and personal, ” says Graham. Unless you want a lot of the background, fill the whole frame up with your subjects.
This is because your smartphone lacks optical zoom - where the lens physically moves closer to the subject, like a point-and-shoot or dSLR camera - and so you need to physically move yourself towards the subject. “In fact, a phone’s optics work best when you get in close, ” says Graham, ” and you don’t want to use your phone’s digital zoom, as it dramatically lowers the resolution, and won't look good if you blow it up later. ”
Going in closer also means you can capture more facial detail, such as light freckling, a charming dimple or soft pale blues of the iris.
But play around with how close is too close, as that “macro” shot of, say, a flower might look blurry when you look at it later on.
Use the light around you
Because you want to avoid using the flash wherever possible, use the light you’ve got accessible as a tool, whether it’s overhead lighting while indoors, or preferably, the sun outside.
“Better yet, if you’re outside, try to shoot in the shade, ” suggests Graham. Cloudy days are also ideal for photos as they diffuse the sun. If the sun is out, be sure your back is to the sun - and not your subject’s -- or else they’ll look like a silhouette.
“Same goes for a window while indoors, ” adds Graham. “Never shoot your subject by a window or the camera will expose for the window and you’ll have a silhouette of your friend - so make sure your back, as a photographer, is to the window. ”
Going steady
Some phones have optical image stabilization, which could help steady your shot, but you can also do your part to reduce the odds of a blurry photo.
Graham says to put both hands on the phone, use the environment if possible in low-light situations, for even more stabilization. “If you’re a party, for example, rest your phone on top of a chair or table, if possible. ”
Another tip: see if your phone has a physical button on the side, such as a volume button, use this to operate the shutter -- instead of tapping the touchscreen, as that will cause the phone to shake when you press it.
When shooting video, have fun with modes like time-lapse, and slow-motion, “because you can, ” says Graham, who penned the book, Video Nation: A DIY Guide to Planning, Shooting, and Sharing Great Video. “Speaking of video, ask yourself if the moment can be best captured by video, and then grab a still frame of it later. ”
Position for composition

Instead of placing your subjects in the center of the frame all the time, move them to the left or right to make your photos instantly become more powerful. Better yet, go in on an angle to add some extra energy to the shot.
“How do you get people to smile naturally? ” Graham asks, rhetorically. “Ask them to laugh out loud and do it with them, and a natural smile will emerge…and you’ll have fun, too. ”
Don’t always take photos of people posing for the camera as their expression can look forced and unnatural. Candid shots are great, but be sure to get their permission before uploading to social media sites.

Don’t be stingy
Take a ton of photos, because someone in your group is blinking, or your nephew is giving grandma the rabbit ears.
Your phone likely has a ton of storage, so remember the more photos you take, the better chance you have to find a winner.

For three reasons, don’t delete photos off your phone while you’re out shooting: it might be a great shot after all, when you look at it on a larger screen; you’re wasting your phone’s precious battery by deleting photos while out for the day; and you might miss an amazing moment to capture because you’re spending your time looking at photos to delete. Do it later.
